Autumn Wonders - A New Children's Book Imprint

Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 4, 2009 | |

Select Books recently launched a new children's books imprint - Autumn Wonders. Why? Well, an area that we've always wanted to get into was children’s books with Asian themes. In fact, one of the first tweaks at the bookstore after we took over was the expansion of the children's books section. Since then, we’ve kept an eye out for books that are both appealing to children and promote awareness of the culture and heritage of Asian countries. We're confident that we now have a very good collection of children's book with Asian themes.

Of course, it’s not just the children we’re thinking of: we get a lot of joy ourselves from receiving new children’s books – as evident by the “oohs” and “aahs” in the office whenever we open a newly arrived carton to find a particularly well-illustrated one. Some of the recent titles we especially like are: A Glowing Tale by Nathalie Chen, In Search of the Prophet by Shahrukh Husain & Samira Shackle and Monkey: The Classic Chinese Adventure Tale by Seow, David.

On the publishing side, it's taken a little longer, but we now have a couple of good children's book projects in the pipeline. Hence, the timely creation of the Autumn Wonders imprint. In fact, we're currently working hard on two children's book series, and considering a third one. These were made possible through grants from the Media Development Authority and National Heritage Board, for which we're grateful - these grants can really make the difference whether a project is viable.

We're also on the lookout for more quality children's books projects that we can do. So do contact us, whether you're a writer or an illustrator or a publisher looking for a partner. If nothing else, we’re always eager and ready to talk about children’s books!

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