Edward G Nawy “Reinforced Concrete, ACI 2005 Update Edition"
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Publication Date: 2004-08-27
ISBN: 013149757X
Number of pages: 840
Format: PDF
Size: 22.7 MB
Book Description:
Now updated to reflect the latest ACI 318-05 Building Code, this cutting-edge book analyzes the design of reinforced concrete members through a unique and practical step-by-step trial and adjustment procedure. Supplements narrative with flow charts to guide readers logically through the learning process. Provides ample photographs of instructional testing of concrete members to decrease the need for actual laboratory testing. Uses Strain Limits Design Method in all design examples as mandated in the new code, using the new load factors and strangth reduction factors. Updates chapter on seismic design of buildings to comply with the major changes to the ACI 318 Code and the new International Building Code provisions on seismic design. Adds chapter on the LRFD design of bridge deck structures in accordance with AASHTP 2002, including a summary of the various pertinent load and design provisions and equations. Offers an expanded section on the strut-and-tie modeling for the design of reinforced concrete deep beams. A useful construction reference for engineers.
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